
Um, yeah well I might have sort of ran into my parents. Um, yeah well I might have sort of ran into my parents. Give me a hand, Lorenzo. Ow, dammit, man, I sliced my hand. Yeah, I’m- mayor. Now that’s a good idea. I could run for mayor. Bear with me, Marty, all of your questions will be answered. Roll tape, we’ll proceed.

yes, Joey just loves being in his playpen. he cries whenever we take him out so we just leave him in there all the time. Well Marty, I hope you like meatloaf. You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week. No. Well, now we gotta sneak this back into my laboratory, we’ve gotta get you home. I think I know exactly what you mean.

Marty. Marty. Marty. Biff. Just finishing up the second coat now. Okay. 1955? You’re my ma- you’re my ma.

Yeah I know, If you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything. Oh, oh a rematch, why, were you cheating? Okay, alright, I’ll prove it to you. Look at my driver’s license, expires 1987. Look at my birthday, for crying out load I haven’t even been born yet. And, look at this picture, my brother, my sister, and me. Look at the sweatshirt, Doc, class of 1984. 1955? You’re my ma- you’re my ma. Who’s are these?

Right. Lou, gimme a milk, chocolate. Lorraine, my density has popped me to you. Yeah I know, If you put your mind to it you could accomplish anything. Alright, punk, now- Stop it. No no no, Doc, I just got here, okay, Jennifer’s here, we’re gonna take the new truck for a spin.